At long last! The U. S. Zodiac Investor’s Report is ready!

Exciting? Yes! But hang on, folks. Before you get caught up in all the fanfare and knee-jerk a mouse click adding this to your Cart, let us first be clear as to what USZ’s Investor’s Report is and is not.

Starting with what it is not, the USZ Investor’s Report will in no way whatsoever help you manifest abundance while sipping soy lattes and sending good vibes to the trees and the little birdies nesting therein. The USZ Investor’s Report is not a balm for people who suffer from some irrational guilt over succeeding in free enterprise. If you’re the type of person who values ESG over profits, or who is looking to achieve some sort of zen-like state during active market trading hours, you should probably move on. Go spend your money elsewhere. Otherwise you’ll be disappointed by what you receive, and we’ll be frustrated by your subsequent whining.

In our opinion, the sum of U. S. Zodiac’s Investor’s Report constitutes an esoteric edge. It is an astrological interpretation of the unique path laid before you at the time of your birth, and in that, an effort at assessing the latitude and limitations of that unique path, and then based upon that assessment, the forecasting of those times of latitude and limitation. This report is about money – making money, building your fortune and protecting what you’ve fought to win. It’s about knowing when to go horns in, and conversely, when to charge at full speed, horns out. In brief, the U. S. Zodiac Investor’s Report is astrology for winners. The USZ/IR is a report delivered to you via email (in pdf format) that you can use as a guide to maximizing those moments of good fortune, as well as for mitigating those times when the Universe is simply up to no good, and with malice aforethought, meddles in your financial affairs. You can print this report and write on it, taking notes as you plan your offense and defense.

The USZ/IR is based upon the client’s specific birth time, and is thus completely unique. Every effort is made within these personalized reports to avoid using astrology-specific jargon, as well as to just simply get to the point. Keyword: brevity. Thus, if you’re expecting a tome containing page after page of filler and fluff, you’ll either be disappointed or pleasantly surprised. We’re expecting the latter, as over the years our market research has demonstrated that our type of clients are not interested in becoming astrologers so as to understand an astrology report, nor are they so unsophisticated so as to not recognize when someone is attempting to impress them with smoke and mirrors. In other words, all the fat has been trimmed. In delivering the astrological information the style is classical, and the language spoken here is a strident and ungentle form of “Western absolute.” Thus, an astrological influence is interpreted as being either good or bad, and there is no frustration to the reader due to New Age ambiguity. We’re not big on emotional hand holding here. So, understand that, unless it pertains to a stellar influence yielding something like a period of heightened intuition regarding making money, or an ability to follow one’s business-related “gut instincts” with confidence, there will be no interpretation or commentary on the client’s “feelings” nor (and especially) on other sappy things like “spiritual growth.”

The bottom line is that the U. S. Zodiac Investor’s Report is intended to deliver in accord with our company’s motto: Insight, answers.

In our interpretation of the stars, U. S. Zodiac employs Western, tropical astrology, exclusively, and leans heavily on ancient and medieval methods, synthesized with some modern, and proprietary, techniques.

Labor intensive, the cost of a 12-month report is $600 (not including tax) and covers twelve or more hours of assessment and interpretation. Deliverables include an easy-to-read, layperson’s-terms written forecast spanning the 12-month period, thus supplying the client with a guide to the stellar influences indicating those times when it is wise to invest, along with those times when speculation is most likely to yield profits. (Investing and speculating are two different categories, astrologically.) Likewise, the forecast will indicate those times when it is best to sit on the sidelines or to take a defensive position. The purchase of the 12-month report includes a 30-minute telephone consultation (any long-distance charges will be the burden of the client).

An accurate birth day, time and place is prerequisite for this report.

As is customary in Western culture an introductory discount is being offered for this new USZ product and it begins with 25% off the 12-month report for first time purchasers, and an additional 25% off on subsequent 12-month reports ordered at that same time (up to a total of seven 12-month reports, or out to year 2030). This is a limited time offer, and with the discount the cost of the first 12-month report is reduced to $450 (plus tax) and subsequent 12-month reports are then reduced to $337.50 (plus tax).

For those men and women who would prefer to test the waters with a smaller investment, a 3-month report is available for $150 (this does not include tax and no discount is available). The cost of this report includes a 15-minute phone consultation (any long distance phone charges will be the burden of the client).

Again, an accurate birth day, time and place is prerequisite for this report.

NOTICE: Purchasers of USZ reports must be at least 18 years of age and possess accurate birth information (month, day, year, time and place). Estimated delivery times will vary by caseload and will be quoted at the time of initial inquiry or product purchase. Reports begin for any given month on the day of your birth, i.e., if you are born on January 15, a report that begins during the month of August will begin on August 15. Please specify when ordering the month and year you want the report to begin. If subsequent 12-month reports are ordered, unless otherwise specified, it will be assumed that the subsequent reports begin at the end of the preceding 12-month report, and so on.

Interested parties should begin by navigating to the Contact page and making an inquiry.

Continue to scroll down for the latest stock market forecasts.



by U. S. Zodiac

The blog posts and reports offered by U. S. Zodiac are for informational purposes only. The information offered within the U. S. Zodiac blog posts and reports is based upon astrological interpretation of U. S. and world events and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any currency, security or precious metal. These blog posts and reports are not intended to be confused with investment advice. It is the intent of the author that the information offered in the U. S. Zodiac blog posts and reports be used by readers in conjunction with their own good judgment and the advice of a professional investment advisor.



Effective August 5-30, 2024, analysis suggests Apple’s remaining within trading range for most of the month with some potential for a one-day rally to the upside on Tuesday, August 20, followed by a potential for correction beginning Thursday, August 22 and lasting through Monday, August 26, with this final day being the most potent point of the influence. Should a correction occur during this time, a subsequent loss of enthusiasm is likely, keeping share values in a slightly descending trading range through August 30.


For the period of August 5-30, 2024, we are inclined to forecast an eventual return to the trend line, with some potential for corrections striking on August 5-10, again on August 26, and then lastly on August 29 and 30.


During the August 5-30 time frame, analysis suggests that the focal point is a potential for significant downward pressure on share value beginning August 10 and lasting through August 16, with the most potent point during the influence striking on August 14. Lows could reach the 158 mark.


Analysis suggests an overall position of strength for META during the August 5-30 period, however the 492 mark provides major resistance. Any significant challenge to share value within the current trading range will likely present itself during August 13 through August 20 during which time recent gains will likely be put to the test with a drop to 447 being possible. A final 2-day influence that could result in another, but mild, correction hits August 28-29.


The August 5-30 time frame is likely to see MSFT struggle to rise above the 450 level. Periodic breakdowns are likely during August 5 through August 10. Significant pressure to the downside comes at month’s end, with the influence in effect from August 25 through August 30, with the most potent point of the influence striking August 27-28. During this month’s end influence a breakdown towards 389 is likely, and a test at the 367 mark not being out of the realm of possibility.


A positive influence upon NFLX on August 8 should support a move above 616, but resistance is at 631. It is likely the share will remain in a trading range until August 25-30 when NFLX will be under an influence exerting pressure to the downside with maximum influence August 25-27, and August 27 being potentially the most dire day within that maximum influence. The 586 mark could be tested.


Analysis suggests a steady advance to the resistance point of 241 through the period of August 5-30. August 5-7 could see a small rally to the upside. August 13 could see a small correction. Events occurring August 22 and again on August 26 will likely lead to TSLA finishing the month strong, perhaps north of 241.