We are U. S. Zodiac and what we do here is mission-specific natal and mundane astrology – flagrantly unbiased and unapologetically practical astrology pertaining to individuals, as well as U. S. and world events. Our primary objective is to provide insight and answers to specific matters.

We recognize astrology as, “a bridge between science and art” – the science based upon observations of similar events or conditions recurrent under a particular stellar-influence (statistics), and the art being the synthesis of multiple influences upon a particular matter and, ultimately, a commitment to a final judgment. This is classical Western, Tropical astrology. We believe that this form of astrology, combined with our life’s philosophy, gives us a significant advantage over our competition in terms of event assessment and forecasting accuracy.

Here you will find no mental meandering or ambiguities, but instead, absolutes. We denounce and eschew relativism, blithe New Age idealism, and Utopianism in all its forms, and instead, fully embrace a stoical pragmatism. In the process of our work we avoid both toxic positivity and chronic negativity. We have learned to distinguish news from propaganda and disinformation, and in our discernment, reject the daily distributions of the corporate media, as well as crackpot alarmism. We do our own research, and in reverence for a spirit of clear, impartial and independent thinking, draw our own conclusions on all matters of importance.

In our assessments and forecasts of economic, political and social affairs and events – and in the spirit of the aforementioned “stoical pragmatism” – we hold to the belief that when under pressure or subjected to temptation, most men and women in positions of power and/or influence will not fail to disappoint.

Our astrological client service is for business-oriented and professional men and women – entrepreneurs, CEOs, CFOs, analysts, institutional and private traders, bankers, financiers, and all professionals and small business owners seeking to gain an esoteric advantage. This is mission-specific astrology, not general astrology. Thus, we are not offering to address your relationships with parents, siblings or discuss early life heartbreaks or social misfortune. Want to know why you keep getting into relationships with narcissists? That’s a great question to pursue through astrology, but it’s not a question we care to address. Find another astrologer, please. If you are looking for general astrology, there are many qualified astrologers within the USA, the UK and Europe, who can provide that service for you. We ask that you would seek them out and, again, please pass us by.

So sit up straight – or stand, if you like – chin up, shoulders back, and get ready for a dose of the good, the bad and the mind-numbingly hideous, all interpreted – or forecast, as the case may be – through the illimitable science and art of astrology.

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