Money. Power. Success. Recognition. Winning! This astrological analysis is for men and women in large or small business – entrepreneurs, professionals, C-suite occupants – as well as political players, attorneys and anyone else who is striving to maximize the latitude assigned to them at birth with an eye towards evading any pits, snares or stumbling blocks that Fate may have laid before them.

This is astrology for those who, despite whatever BS has been hurled in their direction the previous day, wake up in the morning ready to wipe the blood off their face and meet the world with clenched fists and the intention to kick some ass.

This is astrology for winners.

So much in life is hidden. Well, this is the spotlight that illuminates the shadows. This is tactical. This is about efficiency. It’s like getting a traffic report before you hit the road, or a weather report before you taxi down the runway. Practical? Useful? Realistic? Yep. That’s us. Thorny? Unsentimental? Yeah, sure. That’s us, too. So if your motivation for seeking out an astrologer is all about your “feelings” or your “spiritual development,” you’ll be wise to pass us by. That’s not the type of work we do here. But if the aforementioned issues of “money, power, success, recognition and winning” are the things in which you have an interest, then our bare-knuckled style of astrological consultation may in fact be simpatico with your forecast objectives. Want to know what warms our icy hearts and makes them go pitter-patter? A client telling us that he or she wants their astrological analysis to be focused on determining those areas in life in which they wield power – identifying those things in which accomplishment and success are within their grasp, as well as identifying those things that waste their precious time.

In brief, this is classical tropical Western astrology. We’re of the opinion that this form of astrology produces a superior forecast of the conditions and events an individual is likely to experience for a given period of time. Combine that with our life’s philosophy, and now we’re delivering a battle plan.

Be advised we prefer that our astrological client consultations be mission specific.


Investor’s Report

The U. S. Zodiac Investor’s Report is an astrological interpretation of the unique path laid before you at the time of your birth, and in that, an assessment of the latitude and limitations assigned to your unique path, with the focus of this report aimed entirely upon the matters of your money – making money, building your fortune and protecting what you’ve fought to win. The objective behind the Investor’s Report is to identify those times when, as it relates to money matters, you should circle the wagons, and conversely, those times when you should have a broadsword in one hand and a battle ax in the other, and charge into the fray with the intention of taking some scalps. In our opinion the sum of U.S. Zodiac’s Investor’s Report constitutes an esoteric edge.

As stated, each Investor’s Report is based upon the client’s specific birth time, and is thus completely unique. These are not computer generated reports, but instead, constructed on an individual basis, and in that, every effort is made within these personalized reports to avoid using astrology-specific jargon, as well as to get to the point as quickly as is possible with each interpretation. It is possible that a small number of our clients will inevitably be disappointed by the brevity of our reports, but we are of the opinion that most will instead find that our reports are simply lean and mean, and devoid of New Age filler and fluff. We do not believe that many of our clients are interested in taking the time required to become astrologers so as to understand an astrology report. We believe they are hiring us to interpret the stars for them. Likewise, we do not believe that our clients have purchased an Investor’s Report for the purpose of receiving some sort of emotional hand holding, either. They hire other types of professional for that job.

The bottom line is that the U. S. Zodiac Investor’s Report is intended to deliver in accord with our company’s motto: Insight, answers.

The U. S. Zodiac Investor’s Report is labor intensive and the cost of a 12-month report is $600 (not including tax). The cost covers twelve or more hours of assessment and interpretation, and deliverables include an easy-to-read forecast, written in layperson’s terms delivered via email and in pdf. The purchase of the 12-month report includes a 30-minute telephone consultation (any long-distance charges will be the burden of the client). For those men and women who would prefer to test the waters with a smaller investment, a 3-month report is available for $150 (this price does not include tax). The cost of this report includes a 15-minute phone consultation (with any long distance phone charges being the burden of the client).

An accurate birth day, time and place is prerequisite for the Investor’s Report.

The Sledgehammer

The Sledgehammer makes use of U. S. Zodiac’s systematized process control for interpretation of the individual’s horoscope (as it applies to the specified mission) and forecast for future conditions and events. The conditions indicated within the horoscope are noted, specifically the potentials and limitations afforded by the natal placements of the planets, with analysis beginning with an assessment of the nativity’s being either unfortunate or fortunate, or something in the between. Once the nativity is assessed and the important points noted, a forecast of conditions and major events is made using various means of measurement (solar returns, solar arcs, transits, etc.). Within this analysis answers to specific questions are deduced and projections are made for both high and low points in matters of career, income, debt, health, business partnerships, credit and reputation, etc. The assessment is concluded with an analysis of secondary progressions, through which right thinking, or wrong thinking, (as the case may be) can potentially be identified.

$325 buys approximately 4.5 hours advance work and deliverables include a written report and a 30-minute over-the-phone consultation. The Sledgehammer provides a 24-month forecast for the conditions and major events the individual can expect to encounter. The written report and applicable charts (nativity, solar returns and solar arcs) are sent to the client via email and in pdf format. Any long-distance charges for consultations by phone will be paid for by the client.

An accurate birth time, date and place for the individual is prerequisite for this service.

The Scalpel

While based upon the client’s personal horoscope, no assessment of the client’s natal conditions are given in this service, nor is there a general forecast of conditions or major events. Instead, this is a precision assessment of the conditions (potentials and limitations) concerning a specific matter, and forecasts are given for much tighter time frames.

Examples of “mission specific” matters include the client’s strength or weakness (as the case may be) at the time of an election, at the time of corporate earnings postings, or during a scheduled review, interview or court proceeding. Questions regarding the ideal time to launch a new venture, an ad campaign or when to schedule an IPO, for examples, can be addressed with this service. As a matter of fact, most any question of great importance to the client can be addressed through The Scalpel.

Generally, an accurate birth time, date and place for the individual is prerequisite for this service, but depending upon the nature of the specific mission this is not always the case. Thus, it is suggested that the matter be proposed via email inquiry before this service is passed by.

$300 buys approximately 4.0 hours advance work, and deliverables include a written report and a 30-minute over-the-phone consultation. Applicable charts will be sent to the client via email and in pdf format. Any long-distance charges for consultations by phone will be paid for by the client.


When purchasing an Investor’s Report, or either The Sledgehammer or The Scalpel, it is essential that the client send an accompanying email detailing birth time, date and place, and a daytime phone number. In the case of either The Seldgehammer or The Scalpel, a summary of the client’s specific mission, objective, or question, should be included.


When purchasing U. S. Zodiac’s services, the client can be assured that every reasonable measure will be taken to ensure astrologer-client confidentiality. However, the client should note that all services paid for by credit or debit card are billed to U. S. Zodiac.