The Terms and Conditions for the use of the U. S. Zodiac website are listed below. By continuing to use the U. S. Zodiac website you are agreeing to the following terms. These terms will be periodically updated.

Important Notification

The blog posts and reports offered by U. S. Zodiac are for informational purposes only. The information offered within the U. S. Zodiac blog posts and reports is based upon astrological interpretation of U. S. and world events and is not a solicitation to buy or sell any currency, security or precious metal. These blog posts and reports are not intended to be confused with investment advice. It is the intent of the author that the information offered in the U. S. Zodiac blog posts and reports be used by readers in conjunction with their own good judgment and the advice of a professional investment advisor.

Digital Download Expirations

Unless otherwise specified, digital downloads expire 31 days from the date of purchase. It is recomended that the purchaser save a copy to his or her device.

Refunds and returns

All sales are final on astrological consultations and digitally downloaded products, and astrological consulations and digitally downloaded products are ineligible for refunds. Subscriptions to periodically published “premium content” materials can be canceled at any time and refunds will be prorated.

Intellectual Property

The U. S. Zodiac reports, eBooks and blog posts are the exclusive property of U. S. Zodiac and all U. S. Copyright laws apply. Unless otherwise specified, resale and redistribution of U. S. Zodiac intellectual property is expressly forbidden.

Purchases of digitally downloaded reports and eBooks entitles the purchaser to use the product for his or her own personal use, but does not entitle the purchaser to resell or redistribute the product.

Subscriptions to premium content blog posts entitles the subscriber to use the product for his or her own personal use, but does not entitle the subscriber to resell or redistribute the product.

Over-the-phone Consulatations

In all cases, the client will pay for any long-distance phone charges.